Why Use VITA?

VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) is an IRS sponsored program to offer free tax help to people with $65,000 or less taxable income on their tax return.

For tax year 2023, the VITA Coalition volunteers prepared over 22,000 tax returns resulting in over $33 million in tax refunds.

Tax returns are prepared by trained and certified volunteers. These volunteers undergo a minimum of 20 hours of training and must pass a exam specified by the IRS before they are allowed to prepare and submit a tax return.

The VITA staff and volunteers are held to the highest standards of confidentiality, quality, and customer service. Your tax information is only used in preparation of your tax return.

Numerous VITA sites are located throughout San Antonio and Bexar County. Use the map on the home screen to find a location near you.

VITA is proudly brought to you in San Antonio by the following.